Our company has designed and produced a series of extinguishing systems covering the whole plant of Fiat Powertrain Technologies SpA Verrone, in the province of Biella. These systems have been specially calibrated by our Design Department, on the specific needs of the individual areas of the industrial site, in order to ensure maximum protection and security for the facilities, the materials and the operating personnel. Water Sprinklers have been installed, according to the FM, or Factory Mutual regulations; a Sprinkler system assisted by a gas detection system, in the ADFT version , specifically designed to indicate the presence of acetylene in spaces containing the cylinders intended to store this gas, and finally a Foam and hydrant extinguishing system, for the technical gallery.

Also for Fiat Powertrain Technologies S.p.A. we developed for  Mirafiori factory  in Turin, a series of automatic C02 systems  to protect the batch ovens in department where  heat treatments are carried out.