The New Smoke Filter
Building on the success of the series of our SmokeFilter , made according to DM of 11.30.1983 and launched in 2010, we have developed a new product, born from the previous experience and presents important innovations.

In recent Pressure Differential Systems-Kits Qslave - Micro PLC, in fact, the pressurizer is characterized now for the technology "brushless" and the unpublished management framework control, with monitoring of the microprocessor speed variation and functional scope of self-regulation of the same pressurizer . The system is then supported by a software to calculate air flow system, customized to the specific needs of the client and any type of system, which is essential for the correct installation of the Pressure Differential Systems, just as required by European standards EN 12101-6, whose directives have provided guidelines for this our new proposal in the field of plant safety and fire protection.